To plan for the service period, you should scan the upcoming bookings and review table availability.

In the DQ Pro app, navigate to the “Bookings” tab. You will only see bookings relating to the upcoming service period in the app. For bookings being seated more than 48 hours in the future, please login to the CMS (Link to “Managing Bookings”)

Things to look for:

Are bookings fully paid? Payment status is indicated by the colour of the booking cost at the bottom right of the booking tile. A red outline indicates that payments are still to be collected. A green outline indicates that the booking is fully paid.

To see more details about the payments made:

  1. Tap on the booking.
  2. Navigate to the “Payments” option
  3. View the list of payments made and any outstanding balances

Do all bookings include a complete guestlist? The number of guests on the guestlist is indicated under the booking name: “# Guests”. If you tap on this tile, an accordion will expand with all guests.

To prompt the guest to complete their guestlist before arrival:

  1. Tap on the booking
  2. Tap on the 3 dots at the top right of the booking
  3. Select “Request Guestlist”

Following the steps above will initiate an SMS or email to the booker with a request for them to complete their guestlist. This will also include a link which they can share with their attending guests.

When are guests expected to arrive? If arrival times are active at your venue, the expected arrival time will be indicated under the booking status.

To add or change an arrival time:

  1. Tap on the booking
  2. Tap of the “Guests” option
  3. Look for “Arrival Time” and select a time from the drop down field.


In a case where a booking is not made online, or added at the last minute. You can add bookings for an upcoming event using the DQ Pro app.

Adding Bookings

  1. Tap on the Bookings tab in DQ Pro or the Bookings page in the DQ CMS.
  2. Tap on the “+” at the top right to add a new booking and select the event you wish to make a booking for
  3. Select the table seating option or package to be applied.
  4. Select from an existing guest, or to create a new guest by tapping “Select Guest”.
  5. Choose which table you wish to seat the guest at by tapping “Select Table”.
  6. The information presented is a Quote which must be saved before it can be further edited. First, tap “Save Booking” and then make any amendments, payments or guest changes.

Creating a booking will initiate an email or SMS to the booker with a confirmation. You can change client communication preferences in the CMS.



To ensure system security and effectively manage access, you should be in the habit of activating users at the beginning of their shift and disabling them as they are rostered off.

To activate users:

  1. From within the “Tables” tab, select the Settings button at the top right
  2. Identify the users you wish to activate and set the toggle to “Active”

You can follow the same steps to deactivate a user.

While a user is deactivated, they will not have access to any of the functionality of the DQ pro app.

Security warning: Be mindful that it may take up to 15 minutes for a user who has been disabled to lose access completely


To ensure that staff are made aware of their bookings and the status of the party, you should assign staff to their tables(s).

To make a table assignment:

  1. From the “Tables” tab, select the clipboard at the top right.
  2. For each table you wish to assign, tap the “+” button and select the staff member.
  3. You can remove staff members by tapping on their name.

When a table assignment is made, the staff member will receive an update within the DQ pro app to let them know.